Feb 27: Global day of “Occupy our food supply”

Tomorrow thousands of people will descend on our food system by participating in a Global Day of Action to Occupy our Food Supply.

Prominent thought leaders, authors, farmers and activists like Vandana Shiva, Michael Pollan, Annie & Willie Nelson, Woody Harrelson, Raj Patel, Gary Paul Nabhan, Anna Lappé, Marion Nestle, Food Inc.’s Robert Kenner and Michael Ableman are adding their voices in support of a wide-ranging series of actions across the US and the globe.

Over 60 Occupy Wall Street groups as well as environmental and corporate accountability organizations are joining in solidarity to create healthy food systems and resist corporate control of our food supply. Individuals from Brazil, Hungary, Ireland, Argentina, the United States, and beyond are planning actions on the ground which include reclaiming unused bank-owned lots to create community gardens; identifying GMO and destructive products in grocery stores with stickers; protesting at Cargill-owned hedge fund offices; doing seed exchanges in front of stock exchanges; supporting community alliances to drive away Wal-Mart and dangerous, unethical food distributors; and fighting back against Monsanto’s revolving door into the FDA via Obama.

The vision of this movement embodies the following ideas:

Resist GMOs and genetic engineering
Resist the privatization of seeds
Resist the corporate consolidation of our food system
Support family farmers
Support sustainable agriculture and local food systems
Fight the displacement of communities and forests for plantation crops like palm oil
Demand food safety
Get rid of Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
Encourage people to buy local produce, to cook, and eat meals together
Transform our relationship to food to know our farmer and where our food comes from
Stand up for fair and just jobs for farm workers and food workers
Make healthy, affordable, culturally-appropriate food accessible in low-income communities and communities of color
End the revolving door of biotech executives in the FDA
Support and stand in solidarity with local communities around the world who are reclaiming the food system in the name of justice and sustainability

Here is the official web site.

Read more on why here, in an article from Willie Nelson and Anna Lappe.

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