Rogers on the incoming recession and the folly of the Fed

Jim Rogers says the country’s hefty debt load will make the coming recession worse than the 2008 downturn. The Fed is only making the situation worse. Here is a direct link.

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4 Responses to Rogers on the incoming recession and the folly of the Fed

  1. Gary T. says:

    One of the true honest voices out there – thanks for posting Danielle… after Barry is re-elected watch for his speech to confiscate Gold as a ‘strategic metal’…

  2. aliencaffeine says:

    FWIW: Investors Business Daily states that on Wednesday, April 25 the market averages registered a ‘follow-thru day’, mainly on the back of Apples strong numbers.

    The market is now in a CONFIRMED UPTREND. I would definitely take this one with a grain of salt, mainly due to the fact that it was ‘mainly Apple’, and the time of the year. Sell in May, go away-don’t be seen, until Halloween.

    Those haunting words ring true: An ageing global population that has no incentive to save, hopelessly naive. Methinks ‘they’ are becoming desperate, and that the Emperor does indeed have ‘no clothes’.

  3. dave says:

    He’s right about farmers. Most kids of famers were eager to leave the farm and let the family farm die off and go to univeristy for and entirely different career. Actually growing up if you said you came from a farming family you were looked down upon

  4. aliencaffeine says:

    How true! I earned a bachelors in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design and the program was withing the School of Agriculture. ‘Aggies’. Hmm. I really had no problem with being an ‘aggie’ at all. NPK. Nothing really changes in the plant world. NPK. And water. And sunshine. Presto! Photosynthesis. The amazing thing is landscaping is morphing into super-landscaping where I live near Chicago. The dollar value of some of these hardscaped outdoor living areas is really mind-boggling. Some of these jobs are easily going over 100,ooo dollars each. Now that the .25% have built the mega-mansions to the limit, they are pushing the limits of the outdoor kitchens, bars, jacuzzi’s, pergolas..etc. I never thought I’d see this kind of action, but it is soooooo welcome after the middle-class got knocked out after the house price whoosh. This ‘aggie’ is raking it in.

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