CFA Institute Integrity List: 50 ways to restore trust in the investment industry

I came across this list today and thought it an excellent summary of what clients should expect of their financial advisers and managers:

“The CFA Institute Integrity List is a collection of 50 tangible steps that investment professionals can take to restore trust in the industry. The list was inspired by “real-world” ideas from CFA charterholders and members.

  1. Commit to a gold standard code of ethics and professional conduct [See CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct].
  2. Require training on ethical decision-making for yourself and your firm.
  3. Place the client’s interests before your own.
  4. Name and shame unethical behavior.
  5. Recommend products with transparent payoffs, costs, and risks.
  6. Help clients focus on risk as much as they do on performance.
  7. Disclose your educational achievements and how you improve professional competence.
  8. Strive for a conflict-free business model.
  9. Advocate for stronger regulations that protect investors.
  10. Act with integrity 24/7 – not just at the office.

See the full 50 item list here: CFA Institute Integrity List

After reviewing all 50 governing principles, I was pleased to confirm that our firm subscribes to all of them… Number 44 however, explains why we have very few personal associates in finance…

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