Monthly Archives: October 2008

A trend change takes more than one day

Big rally today. I would like to believe that this was the pivotal 90% up day on the Dow that will signal the start of the next bull cycle. I doubt that it is but I would be happy to … Continue reading

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James Galbraith talks to Bill Moyers about "The Predator State"

Excellent interview clip of Economist James Galbraith (John's son) talking to Bill Moyers about his new book and the failure of governments and institutions to safe guard our financial system (again, this generation). He gives excellent perspective on how the … Continue reading

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The trouble with PE and passively holding equities

Fundamental analysis is of some value. We need to take as many objective measurements of markets and prices as possible to navigate our capital through risk assets. The trouble comes when we build our investment case on fundamental arguments without … Continue reading

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