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Daily Archives: June 22, 2012
Tesla drives past naysayers: Model S released today
This car is a thing of beauty inside and out. Zero emission, state of the art safety, comfort, and competitively priced with other luxury sedans. For those who can afford $60-70K cars and are still driving 100-year-old combustion engines–this is … Continue reading
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Widespread economic myths destroying the economy
This is an excellent article (longer than average) that explains some key economic myths which have been widely held and used to our demise over the past several years. These include: Military spending stimulates the economy The banks are acting … Continue reading
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Global strife in a nut shell
This picture captures a 1000 words. I have been amazed at how many regular working people including civil servants have been so anti the occupy movement. If only they understood how their pensions, entitlements and employment have also been sacrificed … Continue reading
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