Danielle Park of www.JugglingDynamite.com fame was with us to talk about the end of money printing throughout the world. She believes the world’s central banks are coming to their senses and the overspending and overprinting will soon be over. My personal opinion is never count on a politician to do the right thing, especially when votes and re-election are hanging in the balance. It would be a wonderful thing if just this once, sanity prevailed over politics. It might be a first, but stranger things have happened, as when the New York Mets beat the Baltimore Orioles in the 1969 World Series. While I believe that my position is the more likely, I will defer to Danielle with the proviso that I want to see proof of this event when it happens..
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“An explosive critique about the investment industry: provocative and well worth reading.”
Financial Post“Juggling Dynamite, #1 pick for best new books about money and markets.”
Money Sense“Park manages to not only explain finances well for the average person, she also manages to entertain and educate while cutting through the clutter of information she knows every investor faces.”
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