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Daily Archives: June 29, 2012
Stiglitz: bank practices have weakened our economy
Joseph Stiglitz, former World Bank chief economist and author of the ‘Price of Inequality’ told CNBC, “The scandal that has broken out in the UK (Libor) illustrates one of the main themes, that a lot of inequality especially income at … Continue reading
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Dollars and Dentists in America
FRONTLINE and the Center for Public Integrity investigate the consequences of the dental care system in America. Research has increasingly shown an intrinsic connection between dental health and overall health. Dental care is not an entitlement in many places in … Continue reading
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Roach: Euro system is a “ponzi scheme”
Stephen Roach, a professor at Yale University and former non-executive chairman for Morgan Stanley in Asia, talks about the European debt crisis and the outlook for the euro. Here is a direct link.