Daily Archives: October 24, 2013

The bitter costs of sugar

Probably the most abused drug today…and yet it is freely pushed on our children. Sugar has become a habit that is costing our society heavily. Sugar may be sweet, but excess consumption leaves a bitter aftertaste: millions of people worldwide … Continue reading

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Bank of Canada capitulates on bullish outlook

Even while the US dollar Index has weakened over the past week on the prospects of continued QE, the Canadian dollar has weakened twice as much, reflecting a shaky outlook for Canada’s over-indebted domestic economy and falling global demand for … Continue reading

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Spitznagel: “stock market set up for a 40% decline”

Mark Spitznagel, Universa Investments founder, expects a 40 percent drop in the markets within a year. To invest in today’s market he says you have to “step aside; best investment is to sit earning zero.” Here is a direct video … Continue reading

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