Monthly Archives: November 2013

Warren proposes new Glass Steagall Act (yes we can)

Everyone should hear and understand this important presentation. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) outlined an updated version of the Glass Steagall Act, which would be designed to control risk at the nation’s largest banks. She called on Congress to better regulate the “too … Continue reading

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Danielle’s weekly market update

Danielle was a guest with Jim Goddard of Talk Digital Network talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets. Here is a direct audio link.

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Not so common sense for the week of Nov 15 2013

This week’s segment: Signing bonuses to brokers–the industry’s dirty (big) secret The secular bear in stock markets since 2000 has brought disappointing returns and a trend of consolidation among financial advisory firms. Many brokers and advisers have been moving from … Continue reading

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