Monthly Archives: November 2013

QE foiled: asset bubbles not boosting consumer spending

Bloomberg’s Scarlet Fu displays the divergence between household wealth in the United States and the level of real spending.Here is a direct video link.

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Former Fed official: ” we knew QE wasn’t working in 2010, we should have stopped”

Andrew Huszar, a senior fellow at Rutgers Business School and former official at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, talks about the Fed’s policy of quantitative easing and his role in the first phase of the program. Here is … Continue reading

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Signing bonuses to brokers–the industry’s dirty (big) secret

The investment sales business has been moving through a period of consolidation over the past 13 years–especially over the past 5 since the great recession. Notwithstanding the last year of QE mania that finally goosed US stocks slightly above their … Continue reading

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