Monthly Archives: November 2013

“Not so common sense” for the week of Nov 9 2013

This week a conversation with lawyer Bernie Keating (Ares Law) on his life path: from iron worker to undergraduate, philosopher to economist, Jesuit priest to personal injury litigator, spouse and father. Relevant for all of us young and old–still working … Continue reading

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QE mania turning from euphoria to fear

Record leverage and reckless risk-taking are all very exciting until even fans start to blink… Barry Sternlicht, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Starwood Capital Group, says the Fed should stop quantitative easing. “It’s like a heroin addiction.” Here is a … Continue reading

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The QE plan in one revealing chart

For the past 3 years, I have often wondered aloud whether Central Bankers could actually be as obtuse as they seem. Or whether they truly believe that forcing asset prices higher could be a sustainable long-term support for the economy. … Continue reading

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