Monthly Archives: November 2013

ECRI reaffirms call: US recession began in 2012

Lakshman Achuthan, COO and Co-Founder of Ecri, reaffirms the U.S. is in recession and offers further explanation of his call. Here is a direct video link to part 1. Here is a direct video link to part 2. As Achuthan … Continue reading

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GMO foods and who is paying to prevent informed consumer choice

Those who oppose fair disclosure and consumer education must be overcome. To the companies blocking GMO labelling: if you aren’t doing anything wrong or harmful for consumers then what’s all the fuss about? Why waste all those millions trying to … Continue reading

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Danielle’s weekly market update

Danielle was a guest today on Talk Digital Network with Jim Goddard talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets. Here is a direct audio link.

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