Daily Archives: May 6, 2014

China’s government debt bombs

During the Great Recession of 2008, China pumped more stimulus and issued more layers of debt to do so, than any other country in the world. This helped to revive some global demand and contributed to the economic rebound into … Continue reading

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Einhorn: Bernanke answers in person “were frightening”

David Einhorn, co-founder & president at Greenlight Capital, discusses his dinner conversation with former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on quantitative easing and Fed policy.Here is a direct video link.

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Gauging the half-life of today’s global stock bubble

This clip offers a good overview on today’s global stock market bubble. The multitrillion dollar question of course, is not if, but when, this bubble will burst once more. Since precise timing is always illusive, each person much bet according … Continue reading

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