Daily Archives: May 21, 2014

ECRI: Fed or not, US GDP stalling

Good reminder on why the Fed-led “brilliance” of constantly dragging future demand forward through short-term credit incentives is long-term counterproductive: the future keeps arriving with demand already spent: “What is being gradually acknowledged – without any publicity or fanfare – … Continue reading

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Bonds calling bull$@#! on bullish forecasts

If the bond market believed the almost unanimously bullish economists today, then capital would not be moving from 5-year Treasuries (yields rising as prices decline) into 30 year Treasuries (yields falling as prices rise), but as shown in the chart … Continue reading

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Previously SEC-fined stock promoter gets his own FOX show

This is the kind of stuff that should send chills up the spine of anyone looking at business television for investment ideas… “Financial analyst and Fox Business contributor Charles Payne, who has been fined by the Securities and Exchange Commission … Continue reading

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