New documentary Ivory Tower examines bubble in education pricing

Just as government-backed loans enabled US housing into unaffordable bubble pricing into 2006, government backed student loans have enabled US colleges to become top-heavy, unaffordable institutions today. With student debt now north of a $trillion and growing, and the job market still weak, something has to give…

The cost of college tuition has more than tripled over the last four decades, adjusted for inflation, while the student loan burden stands above $1 trillion and employment for young adults has been tough coming off of the last recession. But in asking if college is worth it, many stats seem to indicate that, yes, it still is. What may not be worth it, according to a new documentary from filmmaker Andrew Rossi, is the costs of luxury dorm rooms or the biggest stadium, along with paying to party. And amenities like those, Rossi finds, are too often factored into how a school rates for prospective parents and students. In “Ivory Tower,” Rossi posits that the high cost of college is threatening our society. Rossi spoke on Daily Ticker today; here is a direct link.

Here is a direct link to the film trailer.

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