Monthly Archives: June 2014

Financial crisis and bear markets are foreseeable

Contrary to officially myopic central bankers and “no one can see bear markets coming” financial commentators, effective risk management for real life people requires us to anticipate big picture trends and make our own decisions independent of the herd. I … Continue reading

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As the yield curve churns…

St. Louis Fed President James Bullard says the Fed has nearly achieved its monetary goals, economic growth is rebounding and rate hikes should be expected within 6 to 8 months. Great! The bond market doesn’t seem to agree with him … Continue reading

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Reckless central banks likely to trigger next phase of global crisis

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s “wildly accommodative” super-low interest rates and bond-buying program risk triggering the next world financial crisis, market veteran Stephen Roach has warned. Here is a direct video link.

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