Monthly Archives: June 2014

Margin tide receding once more

In the spring of 2011, global growth began weakening from the cyclical recovery that had begun in early 2009, and stock and commodity markets turned lower once more. All over the world, Central Banks responded with trillions of monetary injections … Continue reading

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Senate hearings this morning on high speed scamming

The Senate hearing into HFT this morning is long overdue and hopefully will reveal how widespread, indefensible and outrageous these practices have become. Carl Levin’s opening comments are off to a good start… You can see a video of testimony … Continue reading

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New study confirms: insider trading common and largely unprosecuted

No surprise here. A detailed new study out of the Stern Business School and McGill University, examining hundreds of stock option transactions from 1996 through the end of 2012 finds that 25% of all public deals may involve some kind … Continue reading

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