Daily Archives: May 11, 2015

The high cost of low price

This film focuses on Wal-mart, but the themes extend to multinational conglomerates generally and help to explain why local spending has increasingly been funneled out of local communities and into offshore jobs and shareholders.  We have all been part of … Continue reading

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That Film About Money

This short film is a good summary of the banking system today.  Reckless leverage in the financial sector, encouraged by government guarantees and reflated by QE, has created the financial monster now eating us.  Here is a direct video link … Continue reading

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Making finance serve society

Further to my post on Friday of the video of Brooksley Born and Anat Admati‘s remarks at the Finance and Society conference in Washington last week, Anat Admati sent me a link to the text of her talk on the … Continue reading

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