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Daily Archives: September 4, 2015
Canadian financials heavily levered to downside this cycle
With plunging commodities and evaporating underwriting, to rising defaults in debt-laden households and top-heavy realty markets, Canadian financials have come into a rough patch. And they have earned it. In a cruel twist of Bank of Nova Scotia’s hideous slogan: … Continue reading
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Gushing government loans making higher education toxic
The only people gargantuan student loans serve are those growing fat on the higher education sector and associated services. For the rest of us from students to taxpayers, this business model is perfectly toxic. The fact that schools should have … Continue reading
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Alberta to produce 25% more oil as prices fall
With the price of Western Canadian Crude hovering around $30 a barrel (WTI @ 46-13.30)–and likely to go lower for longer from here–one would expect that new projects that require a West Texas Intermediate (WTI) price of $80 a barrel … Continue reading
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