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Daily Archives: November 9, 2015
Nomi Prins explains need for public banks
More insight on how the banking system is more vulnerable today than in 2008 and what needs to happen now. Here is a direct video link. This C-SPAN interview from November 16, 2009 is also a worthwhile discussion between Prins … Continue reading
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The future arrives out of fuel
As the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) downgraded global growth forecasts for the second time in three months, to 2.9% in 2015 and 3.3% in 2016, the cumulative cost of relentless central bank ‘stimulants’ since 2008 continues. The … Continue reading
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Oil industry has made smokers of us all
The New York attorney general’s decision to investigate Exxon Mobil over whether the company lied to the public and investors about the risks of climate change reminds of similar allegations in the Justice Department’s successful suit against the tobacco industry … Continue reading
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