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Daily Archives: April 7, 2017
Banking on never-ending expansion is bad planning
Whether they’re aware or not, debt-gorging consumers and businesses have all been banking on the same unreasonable assumption: that consumption/sales and wages will increase and economic growth continue to expand, without a downturn, indefinitely. But more than 8 years since … Continue reading
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Renewable energy: where the needs of people and our planet meet
As the Trump admin opens up the Arctic and Atlanta for further high risk, antiquated and environmentally destructive oil drilling, other parts of the world are showing what intelligent, sustainable, cost-effective, energy production looks like. See: Record amount of renewable … Continue reading
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Roubini on geopolitical pressures
Nouriel Roubini, chief economist at Roubini Global Economics, comes to us from the Ambrosetti Workshop in Cernobbio, Italy and discusses geopolitical ramifications of U.S. military strikes on Syria. Here is a direct video link.
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