Monthly Archives: March 2018

Leverage Frankenstein stalking ‘Goldilocks’

Some good cyclical observations in this clip from Monday.  A caveat though:  while it’s true the US dollar has weakened year to date against the Euro, Pound and Yen, it has gained on commodity exporters like Canada and Australia as … Continue reading

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Kite power systems

As more people and computing power are focusing on clean energy development around the world each year, there are no problems only ever-evolving solutions. Keeping an open mind is essential because the future will look less and less like the past. … Continue reading

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New study: consuming less calories slows aging

This finding connects with other studies I have read as well as personal experience.  Makes sense, see: Cutting down on calories could slow the aging process, new research finds: By eating fewer calories, you’re putting less stress on your digestive … Continue reading

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