Daily Archives: March 16, 2018

Real estate stars with ‘knockout strategies’ coming to Toronto!

Sly Stallone and Alex Rodriguez too? Trump University has nothing on these guys. Get ’em in get ’em sold on debt and investing.  Or as the wealth expo organizers boast to their sponsors on the website: We bring the “A-List” … Continue reading

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Big corps increasing their control over our food supply

The big corporate profit-at-all cost mandate expanded under the Obama government and is further emboldened under Trump.  Individuals can help with ongoing vigilance over where and what products we buy and for agitating to restrict corporate donations in politics.  See:  … Continue reading

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‘Trust busting’ time back on deck

In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s the US government and court system found the political courage under the leadership of President Theodore Roosevelt to break up ‘bad trusts’ which were defined as companies that had become so big and … Continue reading

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