New study: consuming less calories slows aging

This finding connects with other studies I have read as well as personal experience.  Makes sense, see: Cutting down on calories could slow the aging process, new research finds:

By eating fewer calories, you’re putting less stress on your digestive system. Like a car, if you drive it around less frequently, you’re going to see less wear and tear on the tires.

Dan Buettner, who for years has studied what he calls the “Blue Zones” of the world — the places where people tend to live the longest and the healthiest — says when we eat fewer calories, our bodies oxidize less, and have to deal with fewer free radical byproducts.

Having too many toxic free radicals floating around can lead to cancer, tax our arteries, shrink our brains, and less directly, cause more wrinkles.

Plus, when we consume fewer calories, our cells have less work to do, converting food we eat into fuel. Reducing calorie consumption may help give our bodies a much-needed break.

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