Monthly Archives: March 2018

Stockman: ‘Hallelujah! The Goldman Sachs regency at the White House is finally over’

David Stockman offers many lucid comments in this discussion. Former Reagan Budget Director David Stockman on President Trump’s trade policy, Federal Reserve policy and Gary Cohn resigning as the White House National Economic Council Director.  Here is  a direct video … Continue reading

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The real reason markets are upset about Cohn’s resignation

Lots of hyperbole and gnashing of teeth this morning about the resignation of ex-Goldman Sachs President, Gary Cohn as Trump’s Chief Economic Advisor.  See:  Dow drops more than 300 points at the open on Gary Cohn’s resignation.  The manically inflated … Continue reading

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‘Liar loans’ and lax lending endemic Down Under too

Same old playbook:  Up front fees and commissions for lenders and realtors come at a heavy cost for everything else.  Note to Canada and other ‘hot property’ markets, the same destructive behaviors and policies have been driving our realty prices … Continue reading

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