Monthly Archives: March 2018

Danielle’s bi-weekly market update

Danielle was a guest with Jim Goddard of Talk Digital Network talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets.  You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here.

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How Mercer’s Cambridge Analytica uses data mining to corrupt elections around the world

An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News reveals how Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across the world. Bosses were filmed talking about using bribes, ex-spies, fake IDs and sex workers. Here is a direct video link. White-collar criminologist Bill … Continue reading

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Aramco liquidity eluding the Saudis in 2018?

An initial public offering of 5% of oil giant Saudi Aramco, is how the Saudi government had hoped to ‘get liquid’ by some $2 trillion this year.  After meeting with salivating bankers in New York for months, the Wall Street … Continue reading

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