Monthly Archives: March 2018

Testing financial cycle mania

Over the last year, cryptocurrencies became an icon for the speculative fervor that has increasingly driven the 2009-18 financial cycle.  Leading the sector, bitcoin rose from $1200 last March, to $19,187 by December and back to $8140 this morning.  Between  … Continue reading

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Doug Ford coming for Ontario?

As Doug Ford won the PC leadership nomination this week, initial polls suggest he will win leadership of Canada’s most populous province (38% of Canadians live in Ontario).  This interview offers a taste of what that representation might sound like. … Continue reading

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Danielle on The Financial Survival Network

Danielle was a guest with Kerry Lutz on The Financial Survival Network, talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets. You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here.

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