Monthly Archives: April 2018

Forced savings and capital protection key to social stability

Forced savings is necessary for the future stability of workers, retirees, the broader economy and our tax system.  The state of Oregon recently joined four other US states in requiring employers to automatically enroll workers in a retirement savings plan.  … Continue reading

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Eating for the Planet and our health

I am just reading Rich Roll’s book “Finding Ultra” and highly recommend it.  His interview in this recent #EatForThePlanet podcast is also worthwhile. If you are interested in the wellness space, you are likely familiar with Rich Roll. If not, … Continue reading

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IMF: Synchronous asset bubbles risk synchronous global bust

The International Monetary Fund has stepped up its warning on the economic and social risk of the synchronized housing bubbles that have billowed around the world on QE-driven mania, particularly since 2013.  You can read their April report here:  Global … Continue reading

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