Monthly Archives: April 2018

Raoul Pal: Market Breaking Points

Good macro overview in this discussion, many relevant observations to counter mainstream economic and equity bulls. Ex the dramatic music, worth a listen. Raoul Pal sees many critical markets at absolutely key levels. He starts with the tech giants, explaining … Continue reading

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Coming opportunities for investment and reformation

Market turmoil year to date is keeping business media full of superlatives and the usual finance salespeople talking up buying opportunities (note they never suggest good selling opportunities). But, truth be told, to date little has been accomplished in terms … Continue reading

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rEVolution 2018 update with Tony Seba

Always worth checking in for an update on disruption progress with Mr Seba. Keynote from Tony Seba, best-selling author and serial entrepreneur, at rEVolution 2018 in Amsterdam. Here is a direct video link.

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