Monthly Archives: April 2018

Danielle on The Financial Survival Network

Danielle was a guest with Kerry Lutz on The Financial Survival Network, talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets.  You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here.

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US Federal Reserve: of the banks, for the banks

Few appreciate why central banks have been so committed to enabling banks and excessive debt creation.  The truth is that our financial demise is baked into their design.  See Fox in the Hen House:  Why interest rates are rising: The … Continue reading

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Take the plastic-wise pledge for our water systems

Ending non-biodegradable packaging is essential in our time. Individuals must lead and demand the change.  Signing up for this campaign can help with the ‘how to.’ Break Your Plastic Pattern. Protect Our Ocean. Take the #BePlasticWise pledge at is … Continue reading

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