Monthly Archives: April 2018

Debt-enabled asset bubbles on crash course with demographics

For anyone who may have been unconscious or in outer space for the last 20 years, here are the Coles Notes: If finance had not been able to ‘securitize’ debts (turn them into assets) and sell them to speculators/investors over … Continue reading

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Canada’s future is not in pipelines

We must resist short-term focus and pressure to borrow more debt and waste more cash developing antiquated energy sources, and instead double down on developing longer-term prosperity and health with our vast sustainable resources.  See Forget Trans Mountain, here’s the … Continue reading

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Indoor farm uses 95% less water and zero pesticides to grow year-round

Fresh, healthy produce grown 365-days a year in the heart of dense population areas. This is an area where technological innovation can be employed to great collective betterment. A smart use for some of that superfluous and increasingly empty retail … Continue reading

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