Monthly Archives: April 2018

Sales incentives queer advice and breach trust. Yes, they do.

Self-dealing, breach of trust business models are so mainstream and lucrative in finance, many seem to feel that resistance is futile and we have no choice but to keep feeding the beast.  This thinking is financially suicidal and must change. … Continue reading

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Blast from the past

Yesterday as Mother Nature was showing us all who’s boss and pounding Ontario with a mid-April snowstorm, I got to cleaning out the storage space under our stairs–as one does.  I came upon a bag of forgotten artifacts and papers.  … Continue reading

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Toronto property market fueled by debt and irrational exuberance

Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely observed that “A man in debt is so far a slave.”   I have regularly pointed out that those reaching for dramatically over-valued assets using debt are risking financial suicide.  The two go hand in hand: for … Continue reading

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