Daily Archives: May 1, 2018

How outrageous executive compensation schemes cost us dearly

Why should we mind that public company CEOs are making an outrageous 272x more than the median employee? Because the costs are underwritten by taxpayers one way and another.  This is especially true for big bank CEO’s where reckless risk-taking– … Continue reading

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Collusion, bankers and political influence

Usually, when you hear the word collusion, you might think of Russia and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But there’s also a troubling financial issue associated with that word exposed by former Wall Steet insider Nomi Prins. Ali Velshi speaks … Continue reading

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Saving ourselves with fresh produce

One of the biggest problems we must remedy today is that governments are subsidizing highly health-destructive energy, food and drug use through our increasingly stressed tax system.  In this interview, Dr. Greger explains why helping to make fresh produce affordable … Continue reading

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