Collusion, bankers and political influence

Usually, when you hear the word collusion, you might think of Russia and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But there’s also a troubling financial issue associated with that word exposed by former Wall Steet insider Nomi Prins. Ali Velshi speaks with Prins about the her new book, “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.”  Here is a direct video link.

Lest anyone get confused about Central Banks and who owns and directs them:

“The FOMC is composed of the Federal Reserve’s seven-member Board of Governors, the president of the New York Fed, and four presidents from the other 11 Federal Reserve Banks on a rotating basis. All 12 Federal Reserve Banks are corporations, the stock of which is 100% owned by the banks in their districts; and New York is the district of Wall Street…The Federal Reserve calls itself “independent,” but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. To prevent another Great Recession or Great Depression, Congress needs to amend the Federal Reserve Act, nationalize the Fed, and turn it into a public utility, one that is responsive to the needs of the public and the economy.” — Ellen Brown, April 23, 2018

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