Daily Archives: May 8, 2018

Motivated misunderstanding and lies driving modern finance

Would-be investors and honest money managers face a mountain of lies and motivated misunderstanding around financial information everyday.  The bad guys are winning and everyone else pays the price.  Read this excellent article by Economist and mathematician Michael Edesess.   … Continue reading

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Tech wreck 2.0 looming over Indices, ETFs and mutual fund holders

Continuing to take risk measurements and pay attention to what’s under investment marketing wrappers is key to protecting and growing capital over full market cycles. But it takes discipline and constant attention, so most people don’t do it. Therein lies … Continue reading

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Australian Royal Commission into its banks yields universal findings

Now available on line are the televised hearings of the recent 19-day Royal Commission into Australian banks. The formal public inquiry led by a retired judge not surprisingly uncovered the common list of wrongdoing including bribery and fraud rings, poor … Continue reading

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