Daily Archives: May 15, 2018

Ten and thirty nearly even, treasuries yielding more than stocks

There’s now just a .13 yield bump to buy a 30-year over a 10-year treasury bond, and short term treasuries 3 months and out are yielding more than S&P 500 stocks with their 30-year+ duration and huge principal risk.  Capital … Continue reading

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What credit abuse gave, it will also take away

According to Bank of Canada numbers, some $700 billion of mortgage debt is up for renewal in the next 12 months at higher interest rates. According to the latest Stats Can numbers, about 1/3rd of Canadians rent their home, 1/3rd … Continue reading

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CBC Podcast series on Vancouver real estate: Sold!

Vancouver has magnificent mountains, luscious trails, enviable waterfront views, well-maintained bike paths… and a contentious real estate market. How did we really get here? What does the future hold? Hold your judgment and listen to the newest CBC Vancouver original … Continue reading

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