Daily Archives: May 22, 2018

Rich yields coming to those who buy low

As shown here, corporate debt as a percentage of GDP has reached historic cycle extremes once more, similar to levels that preceded the last 3 recessions (olive bars).  As energy prices and interest rates have risen the past 2 years, … Continue reading

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Rana Foroohar podcast: The untrammeled power of Big Tech

Good discussion on ‘techlash’ now in motion. We are seeing a ‘techlash’ — the pushback against Facebook, Apple and Google. Featuring Prof Frank Pasquale of University of Maryland and Roger McNamee of venture capital firm Elevation Partners.  Here is a … Continue reading

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Must read: Move Fast and Break Things

If you have not yet read Jonathan Taplin’s important book, now is the time to do so. The backlash against concentrated corporate monopolies wielding indefensible regulatory and political power and influence is just getting started.  And it’s for good reason.  … Continue reading

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