Solar in oil country

Forward-thinking folks that embrace change and look for opportunity are the life blood of human progress.  On a ‘full cost’ accounting basis, clean, renewable energy is ‘cheaper’ and smarter than using polluting energy.  See Brazeau County- Solar in oil country:

“Grandpa said there’s two ways to make money, the money you make and the money you save.”

Here is a direct audio link.

Brazeau County is located to the west of Drayton Valley, about 150 kilometers southwest of Edmonton, in the heart of oil and gas country. Its economic engine is oil and gas, forestry, agriculture and tourism.

Bart Guyon is a rancher and businessman. Decked out in his trademark suspenders, the Reeve of Brazeau County certainly looks the part…

“We’re clearly an oil and gas town, that’s what fuels this county. We’ve got forestry and they are a significant contributor to jobs and we’ve got agriculture and tourism, but clearly it’s oil and gas. What we are trying to do is take a look at the different opportunities with alternative energy. Regardless of how efficient we are at producing our hydrocarbons the world is moving to alternative energy and we need to be part of that program,” say Guyon…

It’s one thing to generate clean electricity, but Guyon now wants to complete an energy audit on county buildings to find savings using energy efficiency.”

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