Healing health with plant-based foods

Happy World Meat Free Week, see more here.

So many encouraging stories of people cutting back on animal intake and noting marked improvements in their health and vitality.  Here is one: meet the man who founded the first plant-based soccer team.

The archetypal pie and a pint culture of British football was challenged back in 2010 when successful eco entrepreneur, Dale Vince, bought Forest Green Rovers and soon afterwards made the decision to turn the league two football club into the first ever fully vegan club in the world. Meanwhile Rovers fan, Chris Latham was about to experience his own epiphany – he began thinking about his own diet and the impact it could have on himself and the planet. Other Rovers fans have followed suit and become vegetarian since the club took meat off the menu, which Vince is delighted about: “They’ve told us it’s changed their lives,” he says. Here is a direct video link.

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