Changing the game in the NFL with plant-based food

Although Chef Charity has well over 15 years of experience, her calling to become a plant based chef followed as a result of her family’s own transition. That transition paired with her affinity to cook and be creative was the driving force that propelled her into her calling to become a plant based, vegan and transitional chef. As a lover of food, and self proclaimed foodie, her goal is to assist people in making an easy transition from animal products to well balanced plant based meals. She does this by providing nutrient rich and savory easy to follow recipe’s along with educating about the benefits an organic, non-gmo, plant based lifestyle has on the body and overall well being.

Chef Charity is most certainly more than a chef as many professional athletes will attest. She currently provides vegan meal preparation to several NFL players and has recently been featured by ESPN highlighting her awesome home made meals that have encouraged athletes to educate themselves, improve their athletic performance as well as their overall health.

Here is a direct audio link.

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