Monthly Archives: July 2018

Smart uses for carbon-eating algae

A company that grows algae using carbon dioxide captured from the emissions of an Ontario cement plant says that it’s making inroads to the animal feed and high-value ingredient market. A look at the technology and opportunity, with Steve Martin, … Continue reading

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Prohibition series offers perspective on present times

We recently watched the three-part Ken Burns PBS documentary “Prohibition” (available on Netflix) and found it a fascinating historical glimpse into how social norms and mores can dramatically shift.  The events are interesting context for our present time, when conceptions … Continue reading

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ECRI: Stealth slowdown unfolding well before trade tariffs

While stock bulls talk up a “strengthening” economy, consumer spending growth (which drives 70% of GDP in America) has fallen to a 4 ¼-year low even before rising trade tariffs are noted in backward looking data. The below chart from … Continue reading

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