Monthly Archives: July 2018

Must read: Hoisington Q2 2018 Review and Outlook

Hoisington Management’s latest Q2 2018 Review and Outlook is now available here. For those trying to anticipate cyclical and secular forces moving the world economy and markets today, this is a must read.  Succinct prose with 6 charts that speak … Continue reading

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Biodegradable packaging is next boom area

Some 600 billion one use cups end up in landfills and water systems each year.  Most either won’t break down, or are toxic when they do.  At the current rate of creation, there will eventually be no room left on … Continue reading

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Danielle on This Week in Money

Danielle was a guest with Jim Goddard on This Week in Money talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets.  Here is a direct audio link beginning at 11:41 on the play bar. Unfortunately the sound recording is … Continue reading

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