Daily Archives: August 22, 2018

TVO: The Super Rich and Us

There is a direct connection between austerity and crushing debt for the masses and record wealth for a few who’ve been saved and enriched by government and central bank largesse since the 2008 financial collapse.  More and more, the masses … Continue reading

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Warren explains new anti-corruption legislation

This is a very important speech and legislative initiative at a time when the leadership is needed and change is required. Yesterday United States Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed the most ambitious anti-corruption legislation since Watergate to fundamentally change the way … Continue reading

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Corruption is contagious, but we knew that

When leaders in politics, business, communities and families are corrupt and/or breach the trust of those relying on them, corruption and distrust spreads and undermines social stability and strength. The map of political corruption is never stagnant. Mariano Sigman, author … Continue reading

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