Daily Archives: September 10, 2018

Dumb and dumber: incentives reward burning and burying unsold clothes rather than reusing

The fashion industry is often cited as the most polluting global industry behind those of oil and gas and industrial animal agriculture. Apparently, counter-productive tax incentives are presently rewarding importers for burning and landfilling unsold clothes rather than recycling or … Continue reading

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At asset market highs, liquid savings remain woefully insufficient

As shown below, the average US saving rate fell from 13% of disposable income in 1981 to 2% by 2005, as US housing prices peaked (and people naively bet everything they could borrow on home prices perpetually leaping faster than … Continue reading

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Sellers in denial as 28% of GTA listed homes now sit vacant

As sales continue to slow in Canada’s property markets, the hottest spots in the greater Toronto (GTA) and Vancouver areas are, so far, still considered ‘sellers’ markets’ even as some 28% of the GTA’s listed properties are now sitting vacant– … Continue reading

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