Racing to an electric vehicle future

Embarrassed into acceleration by zero-to-sixty startup-to-award-winning-carmaker Tesla, the world’s major car makers are now literally racing to catch up.  That’s a good thing for consumers, air quality and our environment.  Thank you Mr. Musk et al.

As a leader in auto sector innovation, Germany is gearing up for the electric future. Last year Chancellor Angela Merkel set the goal to have 1 million electric cars on the road by 2020 – an ambitious goal which even the Chancellor herself has admitted may not be feasible. But entrepreneurs, innovators and members of the already well-established auto-sector have accepted this as a challenge. Powered by additional charging sites and improving products, this year Germany will become the world’s third-largest market for plug-in hybrids and electric cars, surpassing current European leader Norway.  Here is a direct video link.

Also see Electric Cars:  Time to Buy one? for a good update on the sector, cars, charging times and more.

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