A&W sells out of plant-based patties on unexpected consumer demand

Good news:  revelations are spreading that plant-based protein is delicious as well as better for health–higher vitality and dramatically less need for medications–and the environment.  See Canadian burger chain sells out of plant-based patties:

After more than 60 years of dishing out beef burgers, a Canadian fast-food chain has found new success in an unexpected product: a patty made from peas, mung beans and beets.

A&W Food Services of Canada Inc., the country’s second-largest hamburger chain, is tapping into growing demand for plant-based protein by becoming the first national burger chain to offer California-based Beyond Meat’s burger on its menu in July.

The Beyond Meat burgers sold out nationwide in a matter of weeks, said Chief Executive Officer Susan Senecal. The veggie burgers will be back in stock across Canada Oct. 1.

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