Classic financial characters and themes

Classic financial characters and behaviors in this story.  Always worth remembering how susceptible humans can be to the slippery slopes of charismatic characters, greed and fraud.

Dana Giacchetto, was the money manager to the stars in the late 1990’s (including a close relationship with Leonardo Dicaprio). But his life came crashing down when the SEC got involved and found out that he was stealing some of his clients’ money to fund his parties and lavish lifestyle. He flew too close to the sun, but his stories of excess live on.  Here is a direct video link.

For a different, more recent scandal with similar themes and insights see Pretend Billionaire threw insane parties for celebs and then disappeared:

What does Low’s story really tell us about high society and the elite of the post-financial-crisis world?

Wright: Everything is for sale! Even actors, models, bankers and businessmen worth tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars need (or want) more money.

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