Monthly Archives: September 2018

Marijuana co valuations ‘high’

Some sober thoughts on the current pot-co mania: Canada’s cannabis companies are experiencing a rush of investment that’s making even some participants paranoid.  Here is a direct video link.

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Pot is the new dot.bomb

As cryptocurrencies and their companies continue to plunge–the sector’s down 68% since January 1, 2018–stories abound of individual would-be-investors gamblers that have been wiped out.  Again.  It doesn’t have to be this way. There’s nothing new here, just all the … Continue reading

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Chinese government encourages share buybacks as bear market deepens

Rivets are starting to blow once more on the debt-on-debt Ponzi driving Chinese markets.  Following the lead of western companies, corporate buybacks in China have surged in 2018 (see left).  This is the latest desperate effort to stop asset bubbles … Continue reading

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