Monthly Archives: September 2018

Must read: The Biggest Legacy of the Financial Crisis is the Trump Presidency

I have upset liberal circles for years now in saying that as President, Barack Obama failed his leadership calling–the one history needed most from his tenure–when in the aftermath of 2009, his administration failed to break up the banks and … Continue reading

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Racing to an electric vehicle future

Embarrassed into acceleration by zero-to-sixty startup-to-award-winning-carmaker Tesla, the world’s major car makers are now literally racing to catch up.  That’s a good thing for consumers, air quality and our environment.  Thank you Mr. Musk et al. As a leader in … Continue reading

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Dumb and dumber: incentives reward burning and burying unsold clothes rather than reusing

The fashion industry is often cited as the most polluting global industry behind those of oil and gas and industrial animal agriculture. Apparently, counter-productive tax incentives are presently rewarding importers for burning and landfilling unsold clothes rather than recycling or … Continue reading

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