Conceit and deceit behind Trump’s ‘self-made’ fortune

Unethical activities are a staple theme in Donald Trump’s history.  This is not about politics, the behaviour should be acknowledged and rebuked by responsible citizens on all sides.

Two years ago, Susanne Craig received an anonymous envelope in the mail from the Trump Tower. Inside, was a copy of Donald Trump’s 1995 tax return.

That piece of mail set off an investigation by Craig and her colleagues David Barstow and Russ Buettner that uncovered, among other things, that Trump received at least $413 million US from his father Fred Trump over the decades — much of that through dubious tax dodges, including outright fraud.

The 15,000-word Times report contradicts Trump’s portrayal of himself as a self-made billionaire who started with just a $1-million loan from his father.

Craig spoke to As It Happens host Carol Off about how the story unfolded.  Here is a direct audio link.

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